
Mmmmm...cookies. I made some today. I wanted them to be really big, but "apparently" the "batter" was too "runny" so the "cookies didn't hold together"...and really, I had 2 humungous cookie-sheet sized "cookies". So Ben and I used cookie cutters to make them smaller. It was great fun. And they taste really good.

I was thinking about taking some to the imr fellas @ the Purple Onion tonight...but I dunno. Sometimes they appreciate that sort of thing, and sometimes they are just too busy to gush about how thankful they are...not that I need that...oh gosh...I sound strange.... but you know, I don't give gifts THAT often, so when I do, they're well thought-out and from the heart. So I like them to be taken...and enjoyed and appreciated. Maybe I'll make them cookies another day...yeah, cookies in the shape of "imr"...how fun would that be? Or little guitars/drums...or little men (one for each, and robbie t. too!). HMm....merch anyone?

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