
Some of the names people give their blogs are hilarious...so melodramatic...is mine like that? Hmm...

About that whole paradox thing...I've had some further revelations on that, by the way. (Have you been wondering? Paying attention? Hmmmm....?) Well, it's been on my mind a lot, especially since the whole thing was spurred on by a comment/conversation with a good friend...and what he said really threw me off...but it got me thinking. And in the end, I was drawn closer to God. WOOHOO!!!

So the paradox...the answer is, obviously, that I choose God and relationship with Him above all else. *sighs* not that that is an easy conclusion to come to, not by any means. In a way it is, because why would I forsake God for another human? That would be silllllly. On the other hand, there are people I love very, very much, and it is hard to come to the realization that I can't hold onto them as tightly as I have been. Which is a good thing, actually. Very freeing. *does a floaty twirl*

I went to I-55 last night (which was amazing...wow. It's called I-55 based on Isaiah 55:1, and beyond!). For those who don't know, I-55 is a youth worship service/rally type thing, organized by a few of our fine Vancouver churches.

Oh, so much to tell..ugh.

Nicole and I were walking to the church, and I see this station wagon in the back parking lot...I thought aloud, "that looks like Andwer's wagon...no, why would he be here?". So we go inside...and BAM! BAM! There's Ash, there's Andwer...I was like...whaaaat!? And Rebecca Watts...and the girl with the ski jump hair who's cute and pretty and into Steve and I can't remember her name, but it might be Lauren? And Justin and Ally...and Tammy Thicke who I keep being too shy to talk to, which is weird cuz I think she's awesome...

but I digress

and I have to go eat lunch. HA...more later. when I'm feeling funny again. But as a little taste....I had to leave the sanctuary during the speaker guy (Darian of Canadafire.org) because I was so giddy and...bubbling up with JOY and PRAISE that I was laughing and being a distraction....

in short...God was there. And I...mmm...rejoiced.

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