
monday, september 16
this is one of those nights that I feel dreadfully aware of my liabilities and insecurities...
ironically but not suprisingly they tend to be the things I have the hardest time shaking... because at least i am familiar with them - and that in itself holds some sort of security...
and there is something almost perversely attractive in being melancholic... maybe because it helps the creative process... :)

~posted by Steve Watts on the imr blog.

Hmmm...I read this and I thought...woah. That is me right now...yep, there it is. Perhaps I should stop writing my own blogs and just get Steve to do it. He sounds far more intelligent that I do. A few blogs ago I used the phrase, "spanner in the works," which can also be credited to Steve.

Mmm...so while I was on dts, we (as a group) spent time asking God for vision. And He gave me...*dun, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun duuuuuuun* Matthew 6:33, which reads, "[But] seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

OH MY GOODNESS!!! It's so simple!! How could I have possibly forgotten, and been bogged down and covered in all the muck and slime of this stupid, stupid world!! AHHHH!!!!! I need to take some time to repent and just...seek God. Oh man.

Some more cool info....care of the BRI (Bathroom Readers Institute)...

He wasn't blind, but Thomas Edison preferred reading in Braille.

huh. Well...now we know.

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