
Friends. They are so good to have. Especially best friends. I definitely have more than 1 of those. I have 3, and they are each amazing and unique, and I love them so much it hurts sometimes when we are apart. And, God continues to bless me with more and more quality friendships. Not just aquaintances who I see now and then, or who I see all the time but ONLY have fun with, but rather, He blesses me with people who I can be close to, in matters of faith and love and all the rest. People I can trust, I can be vulnerable with, who can keep me accountable...AND we have fun!

Then there's the 3 who I can always come back to....

And the one I so often ignore, foolishly. My Jesus, my Saviour...who never leaves me or forsakes me, never lets me down. I am blessed beyond what I deserve...and yet my Father in heaven, the Creator of the Universe never stops giving and giving and giving to me.

I wonder if IKEA sells normal sleep patterns?

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